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- /*
- Luminance.h
- This is the include file for Luminance.c and ReadLuminanceRecord.c
- Copyright 1989,1990,1991,1992 (c) Denis G. Pelli
- 9/18/90 dgp Changed all instances of "v" to "V". The final version of the Pelli
- & Zhang (1991) manuscript refers to a nominal voltage v; this file
- now refers to the "equivalent number" V; they are related by V=255*v.
- To avoid "breaking" all the old LuminanceRecord.h files, I've
- introduced a #define that converts vMin & vMax to VMin & VMax. However,
- this is a temporary fix. I'll probably remove the define in a few months,
- so you should still update any old calibration files, either by editing,
- replacing "vM" by "VM" or by redoing the calibration.
- 9/24/90 dgp Added screen & date. Renamed nBackground to VBackground.
- Renamed index to lastIndex.
- 9/28/90 dgp Renamed lastIndex to latestIndex. Spruced up some of the comments.
- 10/31/90 dgp Added the conditional FAST_LUMINANCE. Setting it to 1 (true) makes
- SetLuminancesAndRange() run twice as fast, by using fixed point
- arithmetic instead of doubles. Setting it to 0 (false) causes the
- same code to be compiled to use doubles. Note that the prototypes of
- some internal functions (names beginning with underscore) are conditional
- 11/6/90 dgp Replaced Milli by Fixed.
- 11/8/90 dgp Eliminated gamma slope table shiftedLSlope[] since the speed-up it offered
- was too small to measure.
- 7/30/91 dgp Added prototype for ReadLuminanceRecord().
- 8/4/91 dgp Change ReadLuminanceRecord() to return type int.
- 8/5/91 dgp Trying to compile under MPW C 3.2 uncovered a name-space conflict.
- The MPW C 3.2 CType.h header file defines _L as a preprocessor constant,
- whereas Luminance.h uses it as a field of the luminanceTable structure,
- and as a parameter name.
- The THINK C 4.05 ctype.h header file names the same constant __LOWR,
- which of course doesn't conflict. The obvious solution would be to
- change MPW's CType.h _L to _LOWR, but that would compromise portability.
- I decided not to change _L in Luminance.h and Luminance.c,
- because it would be hard to do that in a way that wouldn't compromise
- the readability of the code. However, I did do a quick hack,
- about ten lines below, that redefines _L as an enum, which solves the
- problem, provided CType.h is included before Luminance.h in files that
- need to explicitly access _L. In fact _L is intended for use
- only by the routines that are in Luminance.c, so I suspect the
- problem is solved.
- 12/17/92 dgp Removed obsolete support for THINK C 4.
- 12/21/92 dgp Added dacSize and leftShift.
- */
- #pragma once /* suppress multiple inclusions of this file */
- #ifndef _LUMINANCE_ /* suppress multiple inclusions of this file */
- #define _LUMINANCE_
- #include <QuickDraw.h>
- #include <Sound.h>
- /*
- The following trickery redefines the MPW C 3.2 CType.h define constant
- _L as an enum, so that it won't conflict with the use of _L as a parameter name or
- structure field.
- */
- #ifdef _L
- enum{____L=_L};
- #undef _L
- enum{_L=____L};
- #endif
- /* These 3 #defines are a temporary fix, to allow use of old LuminanceRecord.h files */
- #define vMin VMin
- #define vMax VMax
- #define nBackground VBackground
- /* LINEAR_V_DOMAIN is the maximum interval in V over which the gamma function is
- to be assumed linear by LToV(). The value 4 gives almost the same accuracy as 1, yet
- results in SetLuminances() on a Mac II taking only 29 ms instead of 50 ms.
- See _LToV() in Luminance.c for more information. */
- #define MACINTOSH 1 /* set to 0 to use on any other computer */
- #define LINEAR_V_DOMAIN 4 /* see above */
- #define FAST_LUMINANCE 1 /* 1 for Fixed math (twice as fast), 0 for double math */
- #define DACS 3 /* number of digital-to-analog converters that we support */
- #define COLORS 256 /* size of ColorSpec table */
- #define MAX_COEFFICIENTS 9 /* polynomial fit */
- #define LUMINANCES_IN_TABLE 128 /* size of gamma table */
- #include <ToolUtils.h> /* prototypes for FixMul etc. */
- #endif
- typedef struct{
- ColorSpec table[COLORS]; /* a table of values destined for the clut */
- } Clut;
- enum {Michelson,Weber}; /* contrastType */
- typedef struct {
- short exists; /* set to luminanceSet once this table has been initialized */
- short latestIndex;/* last-used index of LR.L._L[] is good place to start search */
- Fixed _VMin; /* bounds monotonic part of domain of gamma function */
- Fixed _VMax; /* bounds monotonic part of domain of gamma function */
- Fixed _dV; /* V = _VMin,_VMin+_dV,_VMin+2dV,_VMin+3dV, . . . ,_VMax */
- /* _dV=(_VMax-_VMin)/(LUMINANCES_IN_TABLE-1) */
- long LShift; /* bit shift to be applied to luminance differences */
- #else
- double _VMin; /* bounds monotonic part of domain of gamma function */
- double _VMax; /* bounds monotonic part of domain of gamma function */
- double _dV; /* V = _VMin,_VMin+_dV,_VMin+2dV,_VMin+3dV, . . . ,_VMax */
- /* _dV=(_VMax-_VMin)/(LUMINANCES_IN_TABLE-1) */
- #endif
- } luminanceTable;
- typedef struct { /* "table" MUST be the first thing in the structure! */
- ColorSpec table[COLORS];/* a table of values destined for the clut */
- short dacSize; /* bits */
- short leftShift; /* bit shift of V to produce 16 bit value=16-dacSize */
- short VMin,VMax; /* lowest and highest DAC values allowed: 0 and 255 */
- double LMin,LMax; /* luminances at VMin & VMax */
- double LBackground; /* the background luminance used during luminance calibration */
- short VBackground; /* the background number used during luminance calibration */
- short screen; /* device=GetScreenDevice(LR.screen); */
- char *id; /* make, model, and serial number of monitor */
- char *name; /* informal name of monitor */
- char *date; /* when calibrated */
- char *notes; /* description of calib conditions: who & how */
- double dpi; /* pixels per inch */
- double Hz; /* frames per second */
- char *units; /* Luminance units, e.g. "cd/m^2" */
- long coefficients; /* the number of coefficients, not more than MAX_COEFFICIENTS, */
- /* usually 9, giving an 8th-order polynomial, */
- /* coefficients of a polynomial in value V, yielding L in cd/m^2 */
- double polynomialError; /* RMS error of polynomial fit */
- /* L(V)=p[0]+p[1]*V+p[2]*V*V+ . . . ±polynomialError */
- double q[3]; /* coefficients of a quadratic polynomial in V */
- double quadraticError; /* RMS error of quadratic fit */
- /* L(V)=q[0]+q[1]*V+q[2]*V*V±quadraticError */
- double power[4]; /* coefficients of a power law fit */
- double powerError; /* RMS error of power law fit */
- /* L(V)=power[0]+Rectify(power[1]+power[2]*V)^power[3]±powerError */
- /* Rectify(x)=x if x≥0, Rectify(x)=0 if x<0 */
- /* Pelli & Zhang (1991) Eqs.9&10 use symbols: */
- /* v=V/255, alpha=power[0], beta=power[1], kappa=power[2]*255, */
- /* gamma=power[3] */
- double fixedPower[4]; /* coefficients of a power law fit, with fixed exponent */
- double fixedPowerError; /* RMS error of power law fit */
- /* L(V)=fixedPower[0]+Rectify(fixedPower[1]+fixedPower[2]*V)^fixedPower[3]±fixedPowerError */
- double r,g,b; /* voltage gains for the three pathways. r+g+b=1. All must be ≥0. */
- double gainAccuracy;/* possible error in r,g,b */
- double gm; /* The monitor's contrast gain. The Michelson contrast produced by
- a small Δv at the background luminance is c=gm*Δv */
- /* The rest of the parameters are for temporary storage by SetLuminanceRange() */
- double lowLuminance; /* the bottom of the range */
- double highLuminance; /* the top of the range */
- short rangeSet; /* a check that the range really has been set */
- short dacs; /* the number of dacs with nonzero gain, usually 1 or 3 */
- short fixed; /* the number of dacs whose value will be fixed for this range */
- short dac[DACS]; /* which dac corresponds to each gain, r=0,g=1,b=2 */
- double gain[DACS]; /* the ordered normalized gains of the Video Attenuator */
- double VHalfStep; /* half a step of the finest dac */
- double VFixed; /* the value produced by the fixed dacs */
- double LOffset; /* a small shift of the requested luminance range */
- double tolerance; /* the luminance error corresponding to half
- a step of the coarsest of the variable dacs */
- Fixed _gain[DACS];
- Fixed _VHalfStep;
- Fixed _VFixed;
- Fixed _LOffset;
- Fixed _tolerance;
- #else
- double _gain[DACS];
- double _VHalfStep;
- double _VFixed;
- double _LOffset;
- double _tolerance;
- #endif
- RGBColor rgb; /* cache the values of the fixed DACs */
- luminanceTable L;
- } luminanceRecord;
- enum {luminanceSet=12345}; /* a unique value that we can check for later */
- /* Luminance.c */
- double SetLuminance(GDHandle device,luminanceRecord *LP
- ,int theEntry,double luminance
- ,double lowLuminance,double highLuminance);
- double SetLuminances(GDHandle device,luminanceRecord *LP
- ,int firstEntry,int lastEntry
- ,double firstLuminance,double lastLuminance);
- double SetLuminancesAndRange(GDHandle device,luminanceRecord *LP
- ,int firstEntry,int lastEntry
- ,double firstLuminance,double lastLuminance
- ,double lowLuminance,double highLuminance);
- void LoadLuminances(GDHandle device, luminanceRecord *LP,
- int firstEntry, int lastEntry);
- void IncrementLuminance(GDHandle device,luminanceRecord *LP,int theEntry);
- double GetLuminance(GDHandle device,luminanceRecord *LP,int theEntry);
- double GetV(GDHandle device,luminanceRecord *LP,int theEntry);
- double VToL(luminanceRecord *LP,double V);
- double LToV(luminanceRecord *LP,double L);
- double LToVFormulaic(luminanceRecord *LP,double L);
- double LToL(luminanceRecord *LP,double L);
- /* The following routines are primarily for internal use. */
- void _SetLuminance(luminanceRecord *LPtr,int theEntry,Fixed _luminance);
- Fixed _Tolerance(luminanceRecord *LP,Fixed _luminance);
- void _SetLuminances(luminanceRecord *LP,int first,int last
- ,Fixed _firstL,Fixed _dL64,Fixed _firstV,Fixed _lastV);
- Fixed _VToL(luminanceRecord *LP,Fixed _V);
- Fixed _LToV(luminanceRecord *LP,Fixed _L);
- #else
- void _SetLuminance(luminanceRecord *LPtr,int theEntry,double _luminance);
- double _Tolerance(luminanceRecord *LP,double _luminance);
- void _SetLuminances(luminanceRecord *LP,int first,int last
- ,double _firstL,double _dL8,double _firstV,double _lastV);
- double _VToL(luminanceRecord *LP,double _V);
- double _LToV(luminanceRecord *LP,double _L);
- #endif
- double SetLuminanceRange(luminanceRecord *LP
- ,double lowLuminance,double highLuminance);
- double VToLPower(luminanceRecord *LP,double V); /* use VToL() instead */
- double VToLPolynomial(luminanceRecord *LP,double V); /* use VToL() instead */
- double LToVPower(luminanceRecord *LP,double L); /* use LToV() instead */
- double LToVPolynomial(luminanceRecord *LP,double L); /* use LToV() instead */
- double LToVQuadratic(luminanceRecord *LP,double L); /* use LToV() instead */
- /* ReadLuminanceRecord.c */
- int ReadLuminanceRecord(char *filename,luminanceRecord *LP,int echo);
- #endif _LUMINANCE_